This will be the final installment of the Thermal California at the Salton Sea series. I spent more time walking around this area than the previous year. I was able to find more that I felt I missed. On the plus side, the sea didn't have the pungent odor as it did before and the erosion didn't seem to have changed much. The fish and bird carcasses seemed to be on the decline as well. That's not saying much over all. The chair on the beach, one of my favorite images from last year has sunk up to its arm in a years time. Ive said before that the Salton Sea is a love for me. It will always fill me with wonder of what was there and what it will become and I'm grateful to have these opportunities to shoot this location annually. I owe a lot to those who support me, and Ian Jenkins for continuous support and driving. I'm not sure what 2017 holds as far as returning but I will say, the future is bright. We evolve and the world keeps turning although we don't feel it. Thank you for reading. Enjoy