This got me thinking about where I started. 1997, I was a kid immersed in being Straight Edge, Vegan, and into BMX riding(most of these havent changed). Around this time my life shifted and I spent this time period melancholy. I elected to take Photography 101-102 as an Senior at Northrop High School in Fort Wayne. I knew that I wanted to take photographs but I was really uneducated with the process over all. I had always admired those who carried nice SLR cameras to shows etc. I took the class with little time to acquire a camera of my own. Shortly after I was "loaned" a Minolta X-300 manual focus SLR. Little did I know at the time but the camera came with a 50mm f/1.7 lens and would in a small way pave the way for who I am today.
Through this steps in learning the ins and outs of film photography I had many hiccups in the beginning stages. I failed to load film correctly. I wasn't great at printing via darkroom but I did notice(looking back now) I had a knack for angles and composition, however I couldn't tell you if I knew a thing about lighting and how to make it work to my advantage. I eventually shot everything in Bulb setting and guessing my own shutter speeds and who knows what my aperture was set to. Its these things Im thankful for. I wasnt handed an amazing auto camera, The X-300 has a light leak by the film door. I didnt have "hands on" assistance. I learned through trial and error and I shot what mattered to me foregoing assignments for the joy of shooting, to create. In early 2000 I walked away from photography to pursue other avenues in life but I felt comfortable keeping myself at arms length with a then hobby to now my career(slowly building) and passion.
I am posting these images for a sense of accomplishment in a small way to chart where I am to keep me humble and realize where I started and where I am today. Thank you for reading and enjoying. I wish you all a Happy Holidays.
..And the kid behind the camera...circa 1997