perseverance : nounˌ pər-sə-ˈvir-ən(t)s\: "the quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it can be difficult." I say this because this day posed it's challenges but that would in no way stop me from accomplishing what I needed, being a perfectionist at times can be a blessing and a curse. Ive most likely mentioned that I draw everything up on a story board for my Bride/Groom formals and knowing that we had to travel from New Haven to southwest Fort Wayne to the reception site I had some specific locations in mind along the way from the ceremony to the reception. Today started out cold and rainy, it may have been the coldest day of the fall. I was able to get some images of the flowers straight away and then on to the Bridal party getting ready. After that it was off to the Church which was literally right around the corner. The atmosphere was cozy as I shot away using places in Crystal's home to stage things which added a touch of old with new and I enjoy that.
Grace Gathering was the location for the ceremony. It was a modern church with darker features and the stage was set and decorated by a co-worker of mine from Choice Designs who also happens to be the mother of the Bride. The ceremony was quaint but there were some really powerful moments in the short time that really showed a sense of family and togetherness that its really awesome to see. After the ceremony, the plan was to trek to downtown Fort Wayne to shoot the formals and the closer we got I noticed that some of the streets were blocked off and there was a faint resemblance of zombies walking about. Little did I or the wedding party know it was Fort Wayne's annual Fright Night and we just happened to hit DTFW in the middle of the Zombie Walk! As awesome as it may have been to put Crystal and Sean in the middle of the chaos I felt we really didnt have the time. I was familiar with a large Victorian home on the corner of Broadway & Wayne that is up for sale so we took the stroll over there. Its a location Ive always wanted to use. Inside would have been even better but alas no keys plus time crunch and traffic... two things that are never on my side. We rocked out the formals and off to the reception at Chops. Im stoked I was able to capture some uplifting moments in a small amount of time and I wish Crystal and Sean, as well as Madison all the best in the future. Thank you for reading and enjoy.